01 Jun

At some point or another, you’ve probably had an ear swab taken in a doctor’s office or health clinic. It’s a common procedure in the world of human healthcare. Did you know that ear swabs are also useful for our animal friends? Your veterinary clinic Derby uses ear swabs commonly, too. 

Below, your vet Derby tells you more about ear swab exams and what they’re used for in the world of veterinary medicine. 

What is an ear swab, exactly? 

An ear swab is a simple veterinary procedure, usually performed in the exam or consultation room in a veterinary clinic. A small cotton-tipped applicator device is placed carefully into your pet’s ear canal. Discharge from the inner ear is captured on the cotton. Then, that sample can be placed on a glass slide to be examined under a microscope. Talk to your veterinarians Derby for more specifics on the procedure.

veterinary clinic Derby

 Why are ear swabs performed?  

You may be wondering what ear swabs are used for. In general, ear swabs are a quick way to determine the cause of discharge coming from the ears, or ear discomfort in general. The team at your animal hospital Derby could use an ear swab to diagnose an ear infection, or a flea infestation, for example. 

How fast do results come in?  

The great thing about ear swab tests is that results can be achieved very fast. Sometimes, test results from an ear swab can come back in as little as 10 minutes. Depending on the sample, of course, it could take longer. Sometimes, samples must be sent off to specialized laboratories or other sites, which could take days. Your vet clinic Derby will make you aware how long your pet’s ear swab results will take. 

Are ear swab exams expensive?  

The ear swab procedure is very fast and simple. As a result, it’s not usually expensive. While every veterinary clinic has different pricing, you can rest assured that an ear swab won’t be costly. Of course, you can ask your pet clinic Derby for exact figures. Note that when a sample needs to be sent off-site to another laboratory, the test will probably cost more. Consult the team at your veterinary clinic Derby to learn how much this kind of test might run. 

Are ear swabs painful for my pet?  

No, a simple ear swab is not usually painful for pets. The team at your vets Derby takes great care to be gentle and keep your pet comfortable during all procedures. However, swiping the applicator may cause slight discomfort if a pet’s ear is swollen or infected. If the problem is severe enough, local anesthesia can be used so your pet doesn’t feel a thing. 

Ask your vet clinic Derby for more information about local anesthesia and whether or not it might be necessary for your pet’s ear swab. We’re happy to answer any and all questions you may have. 

Would you like to learn more about the ear swab test? Do you think your pet’s ears are infected or need veterinary attention? There’s no time to waste. Contact your animal clinic Derby right away and get your pet set up with an appointment.

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