21 Jan

Heartworms are some of the most dangerous and common pests out there. They’re spread by mosquitoes—heartworm larvae enter your dog’s bloodstream when a mosquito bites them. From there, heartworms mature and migrate toward the heart and lungs. If they get that far, it can start to cause serious health problems! Below, your veterinarian Spring Hill, TN tells you more about heartworm infestation and how to prevent the problem. 

Why prevent heartworms? 

Preventing a heartworm infestation is far easier, not to mention safer and less expensive, than treating one after the fact. Once a full-fledged heartworm infestation has taken hold, it’s difficult and dangerous to reverse. In fact, many dogs don’t survive if the problem isn’t dealt with early enough. Talk to your vet Spring Hill, TN for more information on the statistics. 

Killing off heartworms already present in the bloodstream can have side effects. They include obstruction of blood flow, severe coughing, fever, and more. That’s one of the reasons that prevention is always advised. Ask your veterinarians Spring Hill, TN for more specifics on the symptoms of heartworm infestations. 

Are year-round or seasonal preventatives best?  

There are year-round as well as seasonal heartworm preventatives. Most veterinarians recommend using year-round medications just to be safe. Since heartworm preventatives also ward off a variety of intestinal worms like hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms, it makes sense for most dogs. Your vet clinic Spring Hill, TN can advise you further on preventing intestinal worms from becoming a problem. 

Sometimes, a seasonal preventative might be recommended based on your dog’s needs. Check with your vets Spring Hill, TN to make sure before deciding on a particular heartworm medication for Fido. 

vet Spring Hill, TN

What do preventatives look like? 

Some heartworm preventatives come in a topical gel form. This gets applied directly to your dog’s skin, usually behind the ears at the neck area, once a month. Preventatives might also come in a chewable tablet or pill form, also given on a monthly basis. And other heartworm medications get injected via syringe at your pet clinic Spring Hill, TN. 

Wondering what kind of heartworm preventative might work best for your situation and your pet? Contact your animal hospital Spring Hill, TN to learn more. 

How do I get started? 

Does your dog need a heartworm medication? The first order of business is to make sure your pup doesn’t already have heartworms in their system. Giving a preventative to a dog who already has heartworms can prove deadly! (Ask your veterinary clinic Spring Hill, TN for more details.)

 If heartworms are located in your dog, a treatment regimen will be started. This may last several months until the infestation is completely eradicated. From there, preventatives can be given to stop the same thing from happening all over again. Talk to your veterinarian Spring Hill, TN for more information on the treatment process for a heartworm infestation. 

Does your dog need veterinary care? Do you need to get them set up on a heartworm preventative? You’re in luck—we can help. Schedule an office appointment to visit your animal clinic Spring Hill, TN right away.

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