Most of our canine companions need to be walked on a regular basis. And while you might think it’s as simple as clipping on a leash and heading out the door, there are a few safety tips to be aware of. Read on as your veterinarian Bend, OR tells you how to keep Fido safe on your daily walks.
Use a leash.
First things first—use a leash, even if your dog is very well-trained. You just never know when you might need the control that a leash provides. Even the most well-trained dogs can be startled into running off. Use a sturdy, four- to six-foot leash that attaches securely to your dog’s harness or collar. Ask your vet Bend, OR for a recommendation.
Train your dog.
It’s also a good idea to make sure your dog responds properly to voice commands. It’s very useful to be able to call your dog back if they get too far ahead. It’s also an important safety measure, should you come across an unfriendly dog or a wild animal, for example. Talk to your professional veterinarians Bend, OR for advice on getting started with voice command training.
Avoid hot surfaces.
When walking your pooch in the summertime, it’s essential to avoid hot surfaces like asphalt parking lots. If it’s too hot for your bare foot, it’s too hot for your dog’s sensitive paw pads! Try to walk on cooler grass, dirt, or concrete surfaces instead. You might also ask your vet clinic Bend, OR for a recommendation on dog booties.
Keep Fido hydrated.
If you’re going on a longer walk, it’s a good idea to bring a thermos of cool, fresh water with you. It will keep you and your canine friend properly hydrated, especially when it’s hot outside. Offer Fido frequent sips from it throughout your walk. Ask your veterinary clinic Bend, OR how much water your canine companion should drink per day.
Make sure your dog is identified.
Proper identification is key whenever your dog is outside your home. It’s a good idea to have them outfitted with ID tags on the collar as well as microchip inserted under the skin. These measures keep your pup identified constantly. They’re lifesavers in the event your dog accidentally gets away from you. Call your animal hospital Bend, OR if your dog is in need of identification measures.
Stay visible.
Make sure both you and your dog are visible on your walks, especially if you walk Fido at dusk or after dark. It’s a good idea to wear reflective gear if you can, and bring a flashlight for night time walks. Consult your pet clinic Bend, OR for more tips on nighttime dog walking.
Check the paws after walks.
After you get back indoors from your walk, give your dog’s paws a quick once-over. It’s easy for small items like stones, twigs, or bits of plastic to get lodged in between the toes. Sharp objects could also embed themselves in the paw pads; let your vet clnic Bend, OR know if you see this.
Does your dog need veterinary attention? We’re here to help. Contact your veterinary clinic Bend, OR today to set up an appointment.