Have you ever been playing with your dog, and then suddenly stopped when you notice some whitish film around its eyes? Most people have experienced this with their beloved dogs, perplexed at what the whitish booger-like substance is and how it got there. Well, you can rest easy - most discharge in your dog’s eyes is completely normal. However, there are some cases where the presence of whitish discharge may signify something more serious. If it’s serious enough, you might even have to take your dog to the nearest vet Spring Hill, TN.
But the question is: Why exactly do dogs get those eye boogers? It could be due to many things. The first is conjunctivitis. Commonly known as “pink eye,” this condition occurs when tissue that covers the front part of the eyeball gets inflamed. Some of the most common symptoms include excessive blinking, eye discharge, swelling around the eyes and a lot of redness. If your dog has suffered a bacterial infection or is around a lot smoke, it may be at risk. If you notice any of these symptoms, be sure to take your dog to the nearest veterinarian Spring Hill, TN.
Keratoconjunctivitis, better known as “Canine dry eye,” is another ailment that can affect dog’s eyes and cause boogers in their eyes. The condition occurs when there is inadequate tear production in the eye. Related ailments to this include canine distemper virus, hypothyroidism and certain other conditions that can potentially harm a dog’s tear production. Symptoms of canine dry eye include redness, irritation and of course, white discharge. If you suspect your dog may be suffering from it, quickly bring them to a vet clinic Spring Hill, TN.
Another eye-related condition that can cause irritation in your dog’s eyes is epiphora. Simply put, it’s the overproduction of tears in the eye, which leads to an overflow. If you notice that your dog is having even more eye discharge than usual, don’t hesitate to take them to an animal hospital Spring Hill, TN.
Did you know that some dog’s suffer from a condition called entropion, where a portion of the eyelid is folded inward? This results in hair on the eye surface rubbing against the cornea, which leads to a buildup of scar tissue around the eye. Common symptoms include a dog squinting and producing excessive tears and mucus discharge in their eye corners. The best treatment for this condition is eye surgery - contact your local veterinary care center Spring Hill, TN if you suspect your dog has it.
Dog breeds that have naturally bulging eyes are more prone to having eye issues that include excessive discharge and eye boogers. For example, dogs like Boston Terriers, Boxers, Bulldogs, Pugs Shih Tzus are likely to have eye problems simply because their eyes are more exposed. This exposure leads to the accumulation of foreign substances in their eyes. Luckily, you have a pet care hospital Spring Hill, TN nearby to help you in case this happens.
Does your dog have excessive eye boogers? Make an appointment at your vet care Spring Hill, TN