23 Feb

Veterinarians commonly see dental issues in dogs. It’s easy to overlook our canine friends’ dental health, but it’s important not to. If plaque builds up on the teeth, it can lead to gingivitis over time. And that can turn into full-fledged dental disease, otherwise known as periodontitis. Ask your vet Chesapeake, VA for more information on these serious dental health problems.

The question is, what can you do to keep your dog’s mouth in good shape? Use the following tips from a vet clinic Chesapeake, VA. 

Brush Fido’s teeth. 

Did you know that you can brush your dog’s teeth? Pick up canine-formulated toothpaste and a pet toothbrush at your local pet supply store. (Never use human toothpaste, as it could poison your dog!) Allow your pup to smell the paste and get familiar with the brush, then gently brush one section of the mouth to get started. Work your way around until you’re done, then reward Fido with a treat. Talk to your veterinary clinic Chesapeake, VA if you would like more detailed instructions on brushing. 

Want a recommendation on good toothpaste for dogs? We can help. Call your pet clinic Chesapeake, VA.

Provide chew toys. 

Chew toys are a lot of fun for your dog, but it’s about more than that, too. The action of chewing actually helps to scrape away loose plaque on the outer tooth surfaces. Be sure to provide your dog with a fun selection of chew toys. Ask your vets Chesapeake, VA what kinds of toys are best for your dog’s needs.

veterinarians Chesapeake, VA

Try dental sticks or chews. 

In addition to chew toys, chewing sticks or dental chews are made specifically to help boost Fido’s dental health. These might be a good addition to your dog’s routine, especially if they need a little help in the dental department. Plus, they tend to help freshen your dog’s stinky breath! Consult your veterinarians Chesapeake, VA to find out what kind of dental items might work best for your pooch.

Fill the water dish. 

The simple act of making sure your dog has easy access to clean, fresh water is a great thing for their dental health. That’s because drinking fresh water helps to flush out the mouth, removing leftover food particles and bacteria. Be sure to check your dog’s water dish often, and refill or refresh it if necessary.

Feed a great diet.  

When your dog gets the proper nutrition through their meals, every part of the body stays healthy. That includes your dog’s teeth and gums. Check with the professionals at your animal hospital Chesapeake, VA to make sure your dog’s food is up to par. A high-quality diet is important for your dog’s dental health and their overall well-being!

See your veterinarian.  

When your vet checks your dog’s mouth regularly, any problems will be caught early. And your veterinarian can recommend a thorough dental cleaning procedure if necessary. This will make your dog’s pearly whites sparkle! Call your vet clinic Chesapeake, VA to learn more about the dental cleaning procedure. 

Does your dog need help with their oral hygiene? Want to learn more about good dental care at home? Contact your veterinary clinic Chesapeake, VA. We’re always happy to help!

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