The chemical ethanol is found in a variety of household products, most commonly in alcoholic beverages. And ethanol poisoning can occur if a pet is exposed to too much of this chemical. Poisoning is most common in dogs, likely because of our canine friends’ indiscriminate tastes, but it can occur in other pets as well. Read on as your vet Lakewood Ranch, FL elaborates:
What causes ethanol poisoning?
Ethanol poisoning occurs when your dog ingests something containing ethanol. Oftentimes, it’s an alcohol beverage like beer, wine, or liquor. Sometimes, dogs drink alcohol if it’s been spilled or left unattended. Other times, pet owners give their dogs alcohol on purpose without knowing the danger. Talk to your veterinarian Lakewood Ranch, FL to learn more about the dangers of alcohol for pets.
Other sources of ethanol include mouthwash, perfumes, ink, paint, fermented products like bread dough, and gasoline. It’s not particularly common for dogs to be poisoned by these products, but it can happen. Ask your vet clinic Lakewood Ranch, FL for more examples of products that contain potentially toxic levels of ethanol.
What are the symptoms?
Central nervous system depression, increased urination and/or defecation, and diminished reflexes are some of the signs of ethanol poisoning. Without treatment, a dog could experience a low respiratory and heart rate, metabolic acidosis (increased acid levels in the body), and even a heart attack. It’s possible for pets to die if they don’t receive treatment. Rush your dog to your animal hospital Lakewood Ranch, FL if you spot these signs or know that your pet has ingested ethanol.
Because ethanol will be absorbed into the system faster the smaller a pet is, smaller dogs and puppies are at a greater risk. Ingesting ethanol on an empty stomach will also play a role. Keep a close eye on your small dog or puppy to make sure they don’t get into anything they shouldn’t. Keep the phone number of your veterinary clinic Lakewood Ranch, FL on hand to call in the event of an emergency.
How is it treated?
Your veterinarians Lakewood Ranch, FL might administer activated charcoal to soak up the poison in a pet’s system. IV fluid therapy to reverse dehydration and restore electrolytes might also be given. A dog experiencing respiratory distress might need ventilation or other measures.
As is the case with any kind of poisoning, the sooner your dog receives treatment, the better. That’s why it’s so important to call ahead to your pet clinic Lakewood Ranch, FL if you suspect a case of ethanol poisoning.
How can I prevent ethanol poisoning?
It stands to reason that you’ll want to prevent a case of ethanol poisoning if you can help it. That’s a much better option than seeking emergency treatment at your vets Lakewood Ranch, FL! Do these by keeping a watchful eye on any and all products that contain ethanol? Store things like mouthwash, paint, and gasoline in areas where pets can’t reach. Never let your pet have alcohol, and never give it to them on purpose.
To learn more about ethanol poisoning and your dog, contact your vet clinic Lakewood Ranch, FL today. We’re here for you!