01 May

Cats communicate in a variety of ways. One is vocalization usually in the form of meowing or purring. Another communication method is body language, and a big part of that is your feline friend’s tail position. Have you ever studied your cat’s tail movements and wondered what they meant? Read on as your veterinarian Plano, TX tells you how to interpret Fluffy’s tail. 

Slightly Curved 

Most of the time, your cat will hold her tail in a standard, slightly curved position. You can assume your cat is feeling calm, collected, and relaxed when the tail is held like this. She’ll probably be very receptive to petting and loving. You might also try initiating playtime with some fun toys. Ask your veterinary clinic Plano, TX what kind of toys your cat might like best. 


Your cat will often hold her tail in a straight, rigid position when walking. This position is sometimes referred to as the “flagpole” position. It indicates that your cat is feeling self-assured, confident, and poised. Usually, your cat will be accepting of some cuddles when the tail is held like this—oblige your feline friend. Ask your vet Plano, TX for more insight into this tail position. 

veterinarian Plano TX


Have you ever seen your cat’s tail puff up to twice its normal size? When your cat puffs her tail, it’s her way of appearing larger and therefore being seen as more of a threat. Basically, your cat is attempting to ward off a perceived threat, whether it’s the mailman outside or the family dog. You’ll probably see other body language accompanying the puffed tail, like hissing, widened eyes, and a hunched stance. Learn more about these body language indicators by calling your pet clinic Plano, TX. 

Does your cat need help getting along with other pets in the home, or even human family members? Call your vet clinic Plano, TX to inquire about options. Professional training or help from an animal behaviorist might be necessary. 


Did you know that cats tuck their tails between their legs, just as dogs do? We tend to think of our canine friends as the only pets who tuck their tails, but you might see your cat do it, too. A cat might tuck their tail when they’re feeling nervous, anxious, or frightened. A variety of causes could lead to this; loud noises, unfamiliar pets, and much more. Ask your veterinarians Plano, TX for more insight


Sometimes, a cat will pass by you and gently wrap her tail around your leg. You might also see your cat do this to another cat, or another type of pet in your home. Experts believe this is your cat’s way of showing affection. It’s almost as if she’s wrapping a comforting arm around a loved one! Feel free to return the love and give your cat a few good head scratches. Your vets Plano, TX can give you more insights into this tail maneuver, so call the office today. 

Keep in mind that no two cats are exactly alike. The above tail positions might not be displayed by every cat. You know your cat best, after all—you have the best idea of how your cat is feeling at any given time! Talk to your animal hospital Plano, TX to learn more about cat body language, tail positions, and behavior. We’re here to help!

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