16 Apr

Are you thinking of taking your dog to the beach this summer? It’s a lot of fun to bring your canine companion along. However, the beach presents a few safety hazards to be aware of. Follow these tips from a vet New Orleans, LA to make sure your dog stays safe and sound during your next beach trip. 

Don’t spend too much time in the heat.  

One of the biggest dangers for dogs during beach day is the heat and humidity. That’s why it’s important not to spend too long outside. If you're planning on laying out for eight hours straight, it’s best to leave your dog at home. Remember: Fido is covered in a coat of fur he can’t take off! Ask your veterinarian New Orleans, LA for advice on how long your dog should stay outdoors in the summer. 

Bring fresh water.  

Be sure to bring along a large thermos of cool, fresh water for your dog to drink from. Don’t let him drink the ocean water—the salt will only make him thirstier. Plus, ocean water could contain contaminants like bacteria that you don’t want your four-legged friend swallowing. Talk to your vet clinic New Orleans, LA to find out how much water your dog should be getting per day. 

vet New Orleans LA

Provide shade.  

If at all possible, bring a beach umbrella along during your beach day. This provides shade not only for your human family members, but your dog as well. Fido will be much more comfortable relaxing under the shade than he will be in the direct sunlight. Ask your veterinary clinic New Orleans, LA how long is too long for your dog to be outside. 

Try pet sunscreen.  

Did you know that pets, too, can wear sunscreen? Not the kind you put on your own skin, though. Try picking up a dog-formulated sunscreen at your local pet store. This gets applied to areas of your dog’s body that aren’t completely covered in fur, like the bridge of the nose. It’s a good way to protect these areas from getting sunburn. Ask your pet clinic New Orleans, LA for a recommendation. 

Supervise Fido closely.  

Of course, you’ll want to keep a close eye on your dog throughout your beach visit. If he’s the type to dart away from you, keep him on a leash at all times. If Fido likes to swim, go into the ocean with him. It’s never a good idea to let your dog swim too far out. Even experienced canine swimmers can be caught off-guard by ocean currents and tides! Ask your animal hospital New Orleans, LA for advice on swimming with your pooch. 

Check the rules.  

Before leaving home, be sure to check the beach rules to make sure it’s okay for you to bring your dog. Not all beaches allow dogs. And even those that do might have restrictions on the time your dog is allowed to be there, breed restrictions, etc. Check with your vets New Orleans, LA for recommendations on dog-friendly beaches near you. 

Is your dog in need of a veterinary appointment? That’s where we come in. Set up Fido’s next office visit at your veterinary clinic New Orleans, LA.

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