02 May

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all designation for when your pet is “old.” That varies depending on factors like species, size, and breed. Still, one thing is true for all pets: they need our love and care as they age! Luckily, caring for your pet as they get older isn’t difficult. Here, your veterinarian Gresham, OR offers a few quick tips to keep your pet happy and healthy as they enter their golden years. 

See your vet regularly.  

There’s no better way to ensure your pet’s good health as they age than by taking them to see their vet Gresham, OR regularly. When your pet is examined on a consistent basis, any health concerns can be caught quickly and treated appropriately. Plus, your veterinarian can monitor your pet’s health over time and make recommendations as necessary. If your pet is due for a checkup, call the office today.  

Consider a diet change.  

Do you eat the same diet now as you did when you were a child? Of course not, and neither should your pet. Your animal friend’s nutritional needs have changed from the time they were young, so their diet should reflect that. If your pet is old enough, it’s time to start feeding them a specially formulated senior diet. These foods are made with a special balance of nutrients that suit the needs of older animals. Consult your veterinary clinic Gresham, OR for a recommendation. 

It’s never a good idea to start feeding your pet a new food all at once. Ask your vets Gresham, OR for advice on transitioning gradually from one diet type to another. We can help! 

animal hospital Gresham, OR

Keep up with exercise.  

Older pets need to stay active. It’s essential for keeping the joints and muscles limber, and preventing pain from arthritis. Plus, regular exercise keeps excess weight off and helps your pet stay at a healthy size. Go for regular walks around the neighborhood or play with a favorite toy indoors. Your pet will thank you! Ask your veterinarians Gresham, OR about the best exercise methods for your four-legged friend. 

Don’t forget about preventative measures.  

Older pets are just as susceptible to pest infestations as younger animals, if not more so. That’s why it’s essential to keep up with preventative measures. Your pet should be given a high-quality heartworm preventative, and a flea-and-tick preventative as well. This keeps all of the creepy-crawlies at bay and saves you a lot of hassle and worry. Talk to your pet clinic Gresham, OR if your pet needs these preventatives. 

Keep your pet mentally stimulated.  

If a pet is allowed to lie around all day, they’ll get bored. Bored pets might act out in undesirable ways, perhaps attempting to escape or exhibiting loud vocalizations. It’s important that you keep your animal friend’s mind stimulated, especially as they get older. Do so with regular playtime, training sessions, and exercise. It’s as good for your pet’s mind as it is for their body! Ask your animal hospital Gresham, OR about other great ways to keep your pet properly stimulated. 

Set up your animal compnaion’s next office visit at your vet clinic Gresham, OR. We’re always here for you!

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