30 Apr

Walking your dog seems like a simple enough task. Pop your dog’s leash on and head out the door, right? Well, the truth is that there are a few more considerations to make before you take Fido on a walk. Then, you can rest assured that your four-legged friend will stay safe until you’re back home. Read on as your veterinarian Virginia Beach, VA offers a few quick tips on walking your dog. 

Identify Fido properly.  

Whenever your dog heads outdoors for any reason, it’s important that he or she is properly identified. You just never know when your dog might dart off or escape, and it’s best to play it safe. Do that by hanging up-to-date ID tags on your dog’s collar and outfitting Fido with a microchip. Your vet clinic Virginia Beach, VA can help if your dog needs proper identification—call the office today. 

Always use a leash. 

Even if your dog is very well-trained, it’s always best to use a leash during walks. It’s important to have that extra measure of control over your pet. You just never know what kind of situation you might encounter, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Talk to your veterinary clinic Virginia Beach, VA for tips on controlling your dog with a leash. 

Wondering what kind of leash will work best for your pet? There are plenty of kinds to choose from. Standard leashes, retractable leashes, training leashes… the list goes on. Call your pet clinic Virginia Beach, VA for advice on what kind will suit your canine companion best. 

Pick up after your dog.  

Always bring along dog waste bags to pick up after your canine companion. It’s the polite thing to do, and it’s important for public health. Disease can be transmitted to other pets, or even to children, through fecal matter. (Ask your veterinarians Virginia Beach, VA for more insight into this.) Dispose of Fido’s waste properly in a garbage receptacle.

veterinarian Virginia Beach, VA

Be courteous to passersby.  

Keep in mind that the people you meet on your walks might not be huge dog-lovers, like you are. It’s important that you don’t let your pet run up to anyone to say hello, as friendly as they may be. Some people are afraid of dogs, and it’s always best to let them ask you to pet your dog first. Ask your vets Virginia Beach, VA for more tips on dog-walking etiquette. 

Take extra precautions at night. 

Many of us walk our dogs at night, whether it’s because of work schedules or because Fido demands a final walk before bed. Take extra precautions if you walk your canine friend in the dark. Whenever possible, choose wide roads with a sidewalk. Wear reflective clothing, like shoes or a vest, and consider using a collar or leash with reflective strips sewn in. Ask your animal hospital Virginia Beach, VA for a recommendation. 

The next time you walk your dog, take a moment to consider these tips. That way, you’ll both get the most out of your time together while your dog stays safe and sound. And don’t hesitate to call the professionals at your veterinary clinic Virginia Beach, VA for more advice. We can help!

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