Another eye-related condition that can cause irritation in your dog’s eyes is epiphora.
Read MoreAnother eye-related condition that can cause irritation in your dog’s eyes is epiphora.
Read MoreMost dogs have a much more powerful sense of smell than you do. But some dogs are better smellers than others.
Read MoreEthanol poisoning occurs when your dog ingests something containing ethanol. Oftentimes, it’s an alcohol beverage like beer, wine, or liquor. Sometimes, dogs drink alcohol if it’s been spilled or left unattended.
Read MoreAn ear swab is a simple veterinary procedure, usually performed in the exam or consultation room in a veterinary clinic.
Read MorePost-surgical care is also very important. If your pet has undergone anesthesia because of a surgical procedure, make sure you know the protocol.
Read MoreHyperventilation in dogs is characterized by short, rapid, shallow breaths and an inability to draw a deep, normal breath.
Read MoreYour animal hospital Ellicott City, MD will be there to help your pet along during their entire recovery.
Read MoreIf a pet is allowed to lie around all day, they’ll get bored. Bored pets might act out in undesirable ways, perhaps attempting to escape or exhibiting loud vocalizations.
Read MoreYour cat will often hold her tail in a straight, rigid position when walking. This position is sometimes referred to as the “flagpole” position.
Read MorePopping your dog’s kibble into the microwave and heating it up for a few moments can be a good way to entice Fido into eating.
Read MoreWondering what kind of leash will work best for your pet? There are plenty of kinds to choose from. Standard leashes, retractable leashes, training leashes… the list goes on.
Read MoreValley Fever is a disease caused by the Coccidiodes immitis fungus, and it’s a common ailment in the southwestern United States where this fungus is found.
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